Casa Passeig Llafranc

Haus   Llafranc Beach Promenade / Llafranc

House located on the promenade of Llafranc. The house has access from two streets, through the promenade (Francesc de Blanes street) and through the back street, where there is an entrance to park cars.

The property is distributed in two floors, on the ground floor we find the hall of the house, living room with direct access to the first-line terrace, overlooking the beach and the promenade itself. Fully equipped kitchen with direct access to the patio of the house. Bathroom with shower. Also on the same floor, we find one of the bedrooms that the house has, it is a double room with two beds with windows to the patio, wardrobe, this is the only room that does not have air conditioning but has a ceiling fan.

Patio with barbecue. Cars can be parked in the patio area.

From the entrance hall you can access the first floor of the house where we find two bedrooms with air conditioning, a very spacious bedroom with a double bed and access to the balcony, a completely renovated bathroom with a shower and window. On this floor there is also a double bedroom, which has access to the balcony, with two beds and a wardrobe.

Heating and wifi. Air conditioning (except in the room on the ground floor). The house has a private closed rooms.

Unbeatable location within the village, ideal for a family that wants to enjoy the comforts of this property.


Eigenschaften Casa Passeig Llafranc

HUTG: 064596
Llafranc Beach Promenade

  • Fläche: 150 m2
  • Zimmer: 3
  • Aufzug: Nein
  • Kapazität: 6
  • Einzelbetten: 2
  • Doppelbetten: 2
  • Badezimmer mit Dusche: 2
  • Terrasse: Ja
  • Balkon: Ja
  • •••
  • Ausblick: Meer
  • Gemeinschaftsgarten: Nein
  • Privater Garten: Nein
  • Yard:
  • Gemeinschaftspool: Nein
  • Privater Pool: Nein
  • Tennis: Nein
  • Private Barbecue: Ja
  • Parkplatz (Anz. Fahrzeuge): 2
  • Klimaanlage: Ja
  • Geschirrspüler: Ja
  • Waschmaschine: Ja
  • Mikrowelle: Ja
  • Fernseher: Ja
  • WiFi: Ja

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